America's promise demands action
There is no doubt that higher education – from earning a credential to improve job skills, to a four-year degree – opens doors. Study after study shows higher education has enormous benefits for individuals, our communities, and our nation as a whole. But for over 40 million people, the fruits of a college education are left withering as they struggle to pay off tens of thousands of dollars in educational debt.
The AFT believes that in order to have a strong democracy that protects the common good and a strong economy that provides quality jobs, we must fight for the resources each community needs. Even six years after the end of the Great Recession, millions still lack good jobs. Nearly one in four children lives in poverty. Every year, income inequality continues to get worse and corporate profits continue to rise.
Our schools belong to all of us: to students, parents, educators and staff—and to the communities schools anchor. But six decades after Brown v. Board of Education, our public schools are still separate and still unequal. Across the country, too many children and families aren’t getting access to the educational opportunities and vital services that could help them succeed.
We believe the American public school system should serve all students and prepare them to be good, productive citizens. Our public schools are the essential foundation of a functioning democracy and a healthy economy and require public control and vigilance to protect the common good and advance our broad public interests.